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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 1093c62.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-21  |  183KB  |  624x375  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | grandstand | monitor | person | plant | railing | reckoner | sky | stairs
OCR: SPECIAL RANKING: 15 PINTSIZE FUNDS THAT ARE ROARING IN 1993 PBHG Growth. with only $15.8 million in assets. tops this rankine of funds that fall below the 325 million mininum required for regular inclusion in our tables Its onc- ICHI gain of 91.5 s nearly three times that of its average competitor, thanks partls to computer stocks SUCT Lattice Semiconductor up this year Another leader. $15.7 milliont Oak Hall Equic: earned its with help from gold hares cin N five-year Portfolio anabysi Sept. 1.1993 reuri Sannua RiS salet initial Fund Hane Stule 1995 wuualt BRONM Ham nwotmen AGGRESSIVE GROWTH 1PBHG Growth 91.5 0.0. 318 Nane $1.000 609-8:05 2 Permanent Portfalio ATuT Growth 0.4 209 Nane 1.00o 331.5142 Calonial SSmiall StockA 13.4 -35.7 69 -0.0 187 15.1 5.75 OOCHT 248-2828 4 Advant Special 95 ...